
"Honest that was her name before, its unlucky to change a ships name that looks this good, " Brin said and raised his hands, "Appeasing the new overlord, yadda yadda yadda... you didn't say much at the meeting, you quiet is kinda like the air raid siren going off back home before a storm..."

He tried to smile, then seemingly remembered at the last moment Sienn was still an Inquisitor. He coughed once into his hand and donned a more professional demeanor.

"Well the techs say so, it's a bunch of tech talk but electronically yes, sorta, more like super stealthy. Visually hell no, that's Doctor Kradu's end of the galaxy. I just try to look out for friends... I mean build up credit with the force choking overlords..."

He trails off and shuts his mouth before digging it any deeper and lights a deathstick instead.

"Not sure if she's big enough for one, always heard that stuff only worked on big ships."