[Wreck - Opportunistic Scavenger]

It was quick, and the panicked shot lights up the air and brings a shout from the porcupine woman. Not pain; it wasn't aimed closely enough to catch her as she fled, but fear evident enough.

[Drifting in Space]

A liferaft, maybe. Or a lost piece of coral separated from its space-reef.

A vessel approaches, slowly, but much more quickly than simply drifting. It makes frequent jumps through space, first here, then there, with barely an observable path between the two. It's a rectangular, pointy ship about 15 meters long, composed of dark metal and the treated bones of some great beast, cold and spiky, wide at the back end and tapering towards the front. It has no obvious means of propulsion, nor any external armaments. It's heading right to the coral sphere.
The sphere is far too large to bring on-board.
A message is radiod over as the spire-ship comes to a halt near the coral-thing.
help is here. explain your situation.