Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
What bothers me is that ~10 years ago the gems (the youngest of whom is at least five thousand years old) look like teenagers.
it actually makes a lot of sense to me. Rose was obviously a big part of their lives and a strong maternal figure/leader to them, so outside of the horrors of war when they no longer need to act like the warriors they were abd, indeed, might want to be actively avoiding such a thing would take on a more childlike perception of themselves. Since their perception is basically what decides how their outward body looks, viola...younger looking gems.

Then again, it could just be a matter of perception, Amethyst's shorter hair combined with Garnet's and Pearl's different clothes combined with Rose's sheer height and pimped out dres...well...its easy to appear younger in such a situation. I mean, Rose is eight feet tall so I imagine it doesn't take much to look younger in comparison with the show's simplified art style.