That, changes things a bit.

1) At least two of those that accepted are loyal - Tanar/Duck/Logic can only have at most 1 minion -
2) At least two minions, Troll and one of Eonas/Jojo rejected the proposal (yes 1 and 2 mean the same thing)
3) Troll, who proposed the group, rejected it.

While by no means a final list, by guess on minions currently is:
Eonas, jojo (oberon), Troll and Duck.

The voting pattern for Eonas seemed particularly interesting, since he rejected both the starting missions despite being in them - that is a higher rate of success than any other random proposal for him if he was loyal.

Jojo vs Axl is a hunch, yet jojo's mission pulling rejections from both sides of the alignment makes me believe he's very unaware of people's alignments.

Scry said Troll, so Troll is on the list always.

Duck, is a weird case. He's the one I'm least sure about, but he seemed to be sneaking through most of the game, mostly unnoticed. His voting pattern is nothing extraordinary, his comments neutral and rare. This could be a "not too interested in game" behavior, but he seems pretty active elsewhere. An argument based on metagame, but an argument that convinced me either way.