Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
If I get it for free that's fine - I was thinking the offer would be along the lines of 'Eclipse would be personally grateful for you doing this properly'. If these ponies would straight up do this for Eclipse no questions asked, hey, good to know - but if so, can I keep my 11 for something else?

E: I'd also be down for using the manipulate to get the most qualified pony(s) for this to go along with.
Wide Eye paused, then smirked. "I know just the ponies, but I'm gonna tell them the job's for you." She turned and headed for the door, wasting no time.

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
One hoof in front of the other. One enemy at a time. And right now, Eclipse had to get out.

A very wise pony once said that courage is not the absence of fear. It is the judgement that something else is more important than fear.

Eclipse locked her gaze on Snow Eyes, heedless of the light and fire. She breathed out, and her breath came in a cloud of vapor. The air around her stopped wavering, then started steaming as a solid wall of cold met the onslaught of heat. The silk cracked and fell away, magnificent wings of ice growing in its place.

And all the while, she sang.

I know
Hope has not forgotten me
I know
I'm waking from the longest dream
I know...
I know...
I know...

With one, mighty flap, she dove into the sun, plucked out a doomed pony, and carried them both into tomorrow.
Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Spoiler: The Roll
I got me a solid 4.
Seering white-hot plasma filled your world, so incredibly, intensely hot it defied description. Flesh and blood evaporated from your bones in a bright flash, and liquid heat sloshed around blackened bones until they too were nothing but burning gasses.

The world cools, it seems to take an eternity. You wake up, cold and hard, a lump of inert metal in the ashes of the fire. A tiny little *beep boop* keeps repeating every so often by your side.

Congratulations, Eclipse. You're now haunting a lovely little pile of largely broken robotics, but it's not so bad is it? You get to piggyback Snow Eyes! Hi ho, Silver!

Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
And suddenly Snow Eyes is considering inventive ways to get w pony alone to duck out their blood. Great, just great. Really spectacular. She had the presence of mind still to consider her sudden blood craving less than natural, but then again maybe Charger or Jade could assist with a non-lethal donation later. Right, robot, not sudden vampirism. She had no idea what to do, she was hurt, and there were crystals. It was high time to make like a Fluttershy and leaf.

She hefted the nonfunctional robot and started tromping her way out of the forest.
The way back was long and full of annoying traps and pests, but a strange calm seemed to have fallen over the former botanical gardens. It felt like the calm before a storm.

You finally stumble out of the wilderness and back into the cold, frozen streets of Windbreak. The tense calm has spread to the city as well.