Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
You taste blood, and a terrible buzzing fills your ears like a million flies, a pestilence of noise. You see rivers of blood running in the streets of Windbreak, ponies bleeding in the gutters while the wall cries red tears stained with yellow pus and disease beneath a sky black with flies.

Below the incessant buzz, you hear a voice, smooth and tempting as silk. "The flies are coming. They smell the sickness in your wall and flock to it. We can help you ... if you leave us to spin our webs in peace."
That was utterly disturbing and not to mention confusing. Jade Sun had no idea whatsoever what to make of all of that.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Charger didn't know exactly what Jade was referring to here but was totally fine with having Eclipse bail on her. She was on the clock here.

She took the opportunity of Jade's distraction to duck out and away.
She blinked the vision away only to see somepony disappear around a corner. Possibly Eclipse, but really it could have been anypony for all she knew. Eclipse was clearly gone though.

Jade Sun looked right, then left, then sighed a single deep sigh before she turned around and walked back inside the packed infirmary. That was three ponies in one day that had walked out on her. The irony was she could barely move for ponies in the infirmary for the second time today.

"Wishing Well, is it?" Angel slammed the door shut behind her. "Come here." She motioned with her head for the mare to come with her further inside the infirmary where she showed her Bell Bottom's CRI images. Angel took a deep breath of patience before she began to explain;

"The thin tendrils you can see here are in fact metal wires emanating from these clusters here, here, here... and there seem to be some further smaller clusters here, here and here, making them look a bit like spiders with extremely long legs, or perhaps a web with knots depending on how you look at it." Angel quirked her head to one side and peered at the picture before blinking and snapping out of it.

"I discovered this while tending to Bell's wounds, as sustained by Eclipse, this morning. I understand Bell was displaying violent and erratic behaviour, Bearclaw said she 'snapped'. It seems this... infection, has a rather profound effect on a pony's mind. Eclipse was showing the same behaviour when I spoke to her earlier which is why, and because of their previous contact, I believed she was infected with this as well. Hence I did what I did.

"These 'spiders' appear to be spreading. These smaller clusters look like new ones which have yet to grow. Probably looking to spread further, but how, I don't know yet, nor do I know exactly how much of the pony they infest that they can control. To remove all this... I need to perform extensive surgery on her, which is what am going to do now. Before you say anything - I have already spoken to Bearclaw, her cousin, to get his consent. Once done I intend to study these things at great length to learn as much as possible about them.

"You asked me to help find out what happened to your sister, Free Fall was it? Currently I believe these things happened to her, but I can't know for sure. If you care to stay for the operation you can tell me about your sister and what you know of her disappearance, in particular of her behaviour immediately before. I'll likely be going all night so plenty of time to talk."

Angel took down the note on her front door and then held the door open.

"Listen up everypony, I'm closing up the infirmary and locking this door so leave now or stay all night. Choice is yours."