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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Unsounded, quite possibly the (2nd) best webcomic I have seen.

    Well this was an unexpected turn of events.

    So, if Ms. Sextuple-Mammary is Lady Ilganyag as several people have suggested, and she's conscious and mobile in the Khert, what does that say about the Black Tongues? They worship Lady Ilganyag, I think? If the Black Tongues worship a Khert-entity, it seems reasonable that other religions got based around other Khert-entities.

    Given that Lady Ilganyag called Ssael 'your paper god', that either suggests that 1) Ssael is only a god in books, and Ssaelism is a sham, 2) Ssaelism is only a god in the thinnest sense, and is weak and worthy of derision, or 3) Ssael is a god whose power is derived from paper and the Ssaelit faith's 'Songs of Ssael'.

    Also possible, the Twins are Khert-entities too. Just suuuper powerful ones.
    Last edited by Marcelinari; 2015-04-14 at 11:25 PM.