I'm tempted to give a flippant "Mankind is worthless" sort-of response, but I'm sitting on some time right now...To approach this in a manner other than some saccharine egalitarian ideology, it's necessary to lay down some foundations.

I suppose I value most the sort of things I understand the value of. That's only natural. However, value tends to be a circumstantial sort of thing; having a hammer does you little good unless you intend to hammer something. Therefore, in understanding the value of something, I think we frequently see its value only in it being a means to some end. Usually, the ultimate goal is betterment of some kind, whether that being improving oneself or others, escaping a situation one does not wish to be one, or procuring enjoyment. In evaluating others, it seems logical to compare them to what we find valuable ourselves. (I realize this is all highly self-referential. So be it.)

I guess the easiest way to say this is: "What is good about people?"

There is another way to look at it, though. Instead of asking ourselves what we find worthful, let's instead ask ourselves what we find worthless. In doing so, we draw a sharp contrast, making the whole affair slightly easier to parse.

Personally, I grow irritated when dealing with people apparently without capacity for introspection. Introspection is all about being honest with yourself. How can a person truly expect to speak the truth of others when they can't, or even won't, acknowledge the truth of themselves.

I suppose I also like boobs.