Though the Midlands (the same ward wherein you live) is a decent place, it was a little closer to the shore of the Jeggare River that cuts through the city (on the east side) where there are some mixed stalls and so forth. You will find several who witnessed the wererat stumble in trying to run off with a butcher's display of meat into an alley. The wererat didn't realize the alleyway was closed as there was some construction occurring and he was cut off. A mob was formed, and the butcher had a silver axe from his adventuring days. Lots of mixed words, mostly what can be guessed. This is not a good time to be a wererat with an epidemic.

"Vermin, on two legs or four."

"Spreading filth and disease, t'begin with, now this!"

"I say we appeal to the Guard to find every last one and burn them out of their holes."

They get no better information on where the wererat came from, though the common consensus is the sewers. (Excepting, of course, a rather vociferous dwarf who said something about the skin-tails having been the goo that burst through from Lamashtu's belly, and then began to eat that goop up.)