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Thread: Lost Mines of Phandelver [IC]

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Lost Mines of Phandelver [IC]

    Zuu's dismay quickly turns to anger after he sees the cowardly goblin cavalierly toss away the eyepatch. The anger gives strength to the fiend's voice inside him. It starts softly enough, but gradually rises to a crescendo as righteous indignation mixes with the desire for revenge.

    "Kill. Kill. Kill. KILL. KILL! REAP HIS BLACK HEART!"

    His actions no longer his own, and his eyes flashing with malevolent green energies, the warlock swiftly pops out of his hiding place, almost right in front of the goblin, with arms outstretched.

    "BURN." he/the fiend calmly says in Infernal.

    Burning Hands vs. Goblin and his three wolves. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. (3d6)[9] fire damage on a failed save, and half on a successful one. All flammable objects not carried or worn burst into flames.

    Goblin Save (1d20+2)[21] vs. DC 13 <-- based on its 1d6+2 shortbow damage, DEX mod must be +2
    Wolf 1 Save (1d20)[9] vs. DC 13
    Wolf 2 Save (1d20)[1] vs. DC 13
    Wolf 3 Save (1d20)[1] vs. DC 13

    Outcome: 9 damage to each Wolf, 4 damage to Goblin

    After the spell erupted from his hands, Zuu regains control of his facilities. Although the enemy is burning quite merrily, his quarry merely got singed. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, the warlock moves at speed towards the cave entrance.

    "Gangway!" he says, as he narrowly avoids Featherbeard and flattens himself against the rock wall adjacent to the opening. He has already tasted two arrows, and does not wish to taste even more.

    "One goblin. Three wolves," was all he said to his astonished colleagues.

    Zuu Greenbrook (Half-Elf Fiend Warlock 1)
    AC: 13 | HP: 11
    /11 | THP: 0 | Hit Dice: 0/1 | Initiative: +2 | Speed: 30
    Pact Slots (Lv. 1): 0/1 | Spell To-Hit: +5 | Spell DC: 13
    Light Crossbow Bolts: 20/20 | Throwing Daggers: 2/2
    Last edited by Zergrinch; 2015-04-20 at 08:52 AM.
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