I've had the Dungeons of Dorukan game for a few weeks now but only noticed that this forum existed, like, now (which is odd, because I'm sure I've looked at least once), so I'd like to apologize to The Giant for emailing him with questions about the board game instead of just posting them here.

But anyway:

1) There's no upper limit on the bonus that a single character can give you from assistance, right? So if I give NPC Vaarsuvius ten faces worth of loot I get a whopping +20 bonus for a battle?

2) The game manual says that you can equip or unequip loot at the beginning or end of your turn. Can you equip/unequip at the beginning AND end of your turn? It seems that if you can, the optimal loot strategy is to equip everything at the beginning of your turn, kick a lot of ass, immediately unequip everything at the end of your turn so that no one else can steal it from you, and repeat. After all, there are very few pieces of loot that are actually advantageous to have equipped during downtime, and you can just leave those on anyway. Is this how it's supposed to work?