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Thread: Why did the Marut cross the road?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Davis, California

    Default Re: Why did the Marut cross the road?

    In the specific example, I imagine a Marut would have similar powers to a police officer. The most important power being the right to ignore traffic signs when necessary. The Marut turns on his emergency lights and runs across the road.

    In a more general sense, I've always separated my campaign into two types of law, mortal law and divine law. They cross over sometimes (murder is bad in both), but they aren't always the same thing. It's against divine law to ask a guest to leave, but its not against mortal laws (in most places in my campaign). There is no divine law against jay-walking, so the Marut pursues. There could be other laws that it wasn't willing to break though. Arresting the criminal in a temple for example. It follows divine law, doesn't care about mortal laws.

    EDIT: My answer is influenced by my campaign being in an ancient Greek cultural setting. I imagine the answer could be different for other campaigns or for the traditional Faerun/Eberron/Greyhawk campaigns.
    Last edited by Anxe; 2015-04-21 at 12:32 PM.