Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
You're not paying for them, you're paying for them to get there sooner™! And by you I mean backers :P

I'm willing to give Rob a pass, but I'm not too invested in backer stories or Book zero. I hate book zero. It gives worst excuse possible for Gillian lovers everywhere - She was brainwashed™ (despite acting more or less the same, albeit with hint less hesitation).
I think the backer stories are hit or miss. Lord Crush was an amusing insight into how multi-sided alliances work in addition to showing us an actual fool as opposed to a caster playing at one. Digdoug was... slightly over my head. I had to go back a time or two to try and understand just what on Erf was going on there. Still can't say I know what it was all about aside from more caster politics, which I've had up to here with from the main story. Fawksull was just fantastic, I have no quibbles about how it played out as I'm a sucker for a good naval romp. The fish-out-of-water aspect was just icing on the cake. This latest story however? I could do without learning more about rhyming.