Quote Originally Posted by Yana View Post
I think the backer stories are hit or miss. Lord Crush was an amusing insight into how multi-sided alliances work in addition to showing us an actual fool as opposed to a caster playing at one. Digdoug was... slightly over my head. I had to go back a time or two to try and understand just what on Erf was going on there. Still can't say I know what it was all about aside from more caster politics, which I've had up to here with from the main story. Fawksull was just fantastic, I have no quibbles about how it played out as I'm a sucker for a good naval romp. The fish-out-of-water aspect was just icing on the cake. This latest story however? I could do without learning more about rhyming.
TLDR Version of Digdoug

Carnymancy spells can break or bend the rules of Erfworld, however they may have unintended consequences.

That and Charlie is Lawful Neutral, he will follow a contract to the exact lettering.