Giovanni looks at nothing in particular for a while, considering.
I suppose I shouldn't give the "guns don't kill people" spiel, because that's idiotic, yes they do that is the point, but... I don't really see how you'd go about "polluting" a whole neighborhood. Unless you mean in the "drenched in blood" sense? But that's hardly special of the, ah, "ordnance" in question.
His free hand starts waving around and he slowly walks to the apparent edge of Shira's field of vision, apparently without noticing.
And of course you can always find people willing to shoot you for any reason, no matter how unspecial, but still, I get the feeling that you have something more specific in mind? And so I suppose I should ask whether this is a thread, reassure you that I'm extremely responsible with my, um...
He scratches the back of his neck for a moment, then sighs.
Bien, I officially declare this metaphor stupid. And not an actual metaphor, really. Tablet motion is seconded, if you'd be so kind?