Main Room

The woman smiles. "Nephrim." She nods to herself, and smiles. The smile is... wrong. "I used to be known as Rochelle, a long time ago. Now, I am Agony, the Empress of Torment."

She waves a hand up, and a bald-headed woman with the same color of skin as her (zombie blue) and solid orbs of green where her eyes should be steps forward. She's looking downwards. "This is Jade, my thrall."

Agony turns to El Cuervo. "I suppose so. I was banished to space 2 centuries ago, though I cannot recall who would do such a thing. Lucky for them, otherwise I'd seek them out and have fun with their minds. Make them scream. Isn't it calming to hear the pained screams of others, Jade?"

Jade doesn't reply, but Agony acts like she did. "See, she agrees."