Quote Originally Posted by Duck999 View Post
Zefir's Office

Filii smiles at Zefir.
You make a good leader. I need to know a when and where to meet him. Also, how will I identify him?
Zefir's Office - Filii

Zefir takes a few notes on a paper, befor he answers the question.

"I already got something up." he starts. "The person is a common customer to Trog's coming every two days. It's best that you don't know much more. It may draw attention when you go there and start looking around for someone. Keep your weapon to the right and a free seat to the left. If anyone is following you try to keep a seat to the right free. If you think that your disguise is in danger, hold the weapon to the left. Simple enougth?" he asks. Such things are also good if he get's caught. He could sign things befor they talk and without anyone notice.
Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post
[Zefir's Office; Some later period of time]

Some time later, after Filii and anyone else who would go in before, Maria floats up to Zefir's brand-new office. It's her turn.

"What is 'Paradise'; who live there?" she muses to herself as she contemplates the door.

She opens the door, and enters. "Do they wear 'new shoes' in Eden?" she asks Zefir.

Pretty strange question, right out of the blue, if you ask me. I'm sure anyone who understood her thought process would realize how the one thought led to the other and what inspired the first one, but it still seems pretty out-there. Actually, that reminds me. Because Maria floats everywhere, she doesn't have any need for shoes, so she is completely barefoot.
Zefir's Office -Maria

There is no point in hearing her outside his office. Something he may work on when the office is down. Many people have doubts right before they beard the lion in his den. To know what they talk may give him an advantage. Still the Office is to new to have that done. There isn't even a PC in there.
So Zefir looks up a bit confused at the question.
"Every day I say." he answers. "but that's not what you are here for. You may have noticed that I took leadership over this place. For that I would like to know what the people around here can do and in case what they expect from AMEN in the future."