[Nicole's Room]

"Alcohol? Yeah, it's not healthy fer most people to imbibe too much of it. But me? I'm not most people. Internally, I'm less organized than you probably are, and my cells aren't specialized to execute one task and one task alone."

Nicole slurs in her sultry, Southern drawl. She turns toward Rochelle to smile confidently at her before whipping out a pair of sunglasses and performing her best Blues Brothers driving impression through the corridors of AMEN while liquored up, but when she catches sight of Rochelle's disturbing glitching, she barely manages to stop short of smashing the gas pedal through the underside of the hovercar.


Rochelle's status has reached Bioshock Infinite levels of wut.

"Rochelle, are you feeling alright 'cause you look alive, dead, and undead, and that's not good."

Not good? Not good!? Not good is how you describe a bland lunch or a toe that you stubbed yesterday, not temporal anomalies that are murdering, zombifying, and resurrecting the gal in your passenger seat!


Well, Nicole? Are you planning on doing anything about this?


No, Nicole. Attempting to grab Rochelle by her wrists like that and pull her out of the anomaly when she's Alive!Rochelle probably won't solve anything!