Delmah Phor

In the middle of the coin rain is an odd looking young man. He's a little short, standing at only five and a half feet tall, but he's lean and packed with wiry muscle. Despite the muscle though, he's rather scruffy with dark brown-black unkempt hair and rather hairy arms revealed by his plain white tank top. Even his bare feet are rather fuzzy, but he doesn't seem to mind as he holds a slouch cap upside down in order to catch as many of the coins as he can.

His smile is lopsided due to the large fang that pokes out over the left side of his lower lip and even though he appears young, perhaps twenty, he is quite scruffy with dark facial hair. His nose is slightly too large for his face, and the same goes for his wolfish ears. If someone turned a random mangy coyote into a near-human, this man would be the result. Those who are keen might notice that his arms have lines of metal ports along the back and that under his shaggy hair he also has one at the base of his skull. Lumps under the tank top tell of even more of them as well.

Despite the appearance of a ruffian and the potential hazards of the coin fall, the man weaves through the street with his hat to catch the coins, balancing a newly bought cup of hot coffee on top of his head as he does so, positioned right between the animal ears. He seems to be quite enjoying himself and once the coins stop falling, he wanders over to the scroll with curiosity written all over his face.