[Delmah Phor]

"Well, it isn't your property at risk, is it?" Aly'ithra shoots back. If the Xar'Cha own everything, then Inala owned nothing. She sighed, hating to have to play this card, "Why don't we present the situation to Matron Danube? Certainly she can decide for her own House. Of course, we'll need all the tokens first."

The dragon blooded drow lifts her voice again, so those on the street can hear. "People of Delmah Phor, among the riches that fell are seven distinct tokens. Three have been found, but four are still missing. Bring me those tokens and I will trade you a gold piece for each." Hopefully that would get people searching. "Or else present yourself before Matron Xar'Cha herself if you wish to act upon the behalf of House Xabaresh Chaeron."