Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
Regarding Eurovision: 'Straya should have won this deal. It was good. Amazing. Better than Sweden by at least a thousand miles.

Welp, ESC is done and done now, time to chill and forget about this annual fiasco.
Oh Finland, so little sibling syndrome...

Also, was that song anything but a chorus?
Which is a funny thing for me to ask, since Sweden's chorus was the same two lines repeated over and over, but perhaps that means the verse felt like more of the song...

Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Silver View Post
Well, Eurovision's over, which means it's safe to go back on the internet without having to scroll through walls of people trying to live-blog it.
Now we can finally go back to enjoying 360 days of people trying to live-blog America again. As I've waited!

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Oh. That was a thing that happened. Politics as usual I assume?
Pretty much, yes. Everyone voted for their neighbours, and the audience booed every time Russia got good scores until the hosts told them off. Then they instead started cheering very loudly every time Russia appeared among the seven lowest votes and Sweden didn't. And Australia doesn't have any neighbours.

And both Austria and Germany got 0 points. And UK's song was so slow that it made the somewhat lively dance number look like it was done in slow motion...

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Killer headache.
For the best part of twenty-four hours.
To the point of nausea.
No paracetamol or Nurofen yesterday before bed. Took the Foul Lemsip filth.
Felt like my eyeballs were being scooped out of my skull and shoved up the base of my skull. I say 'felt', I mean 'feels'. Sister was sent for Nurofen in the morning almost as soon as she came back from walking the dogs. Dog. I waited downstairs for over twenty minutes and she hadn't returned. I can walk to the shop, buy a dozen things on a Saturday evening and be back in ten or twelve minutes.
I went back to the darkish comfort of bed and about ten minutes later Sister hand-delivered my pills to me. Sweet relief! Eventually. And then I slept.
But now it's back.
I don't want to pop more pills. Already had two today. Don't want more.
THe base of my skull is in agony.
Oh dear! Perhaps you should get someone with medical expertise to look into that.

I've spliced so much rope today, my hands hurt. On the positive side, I finished an awesome rope bridge.

It feels strange to work more in the weekends than in the weekdays. Building is fun, but I kinda miss having the time off, and it wreaks havoc with my sleep schedule...