Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
Word of Toriyama is that Frieza and his Father are both Mutants that are both significantly stronger but also much crueler than most other members of their race.
Recall that Frieza's first form (PL 530,000) was used to allow him to control his humongous power level. Therefore, I believe it accurate to characterize it as a "reduction form." His negative-first form if you will. Whether or not it's unique to him is open to interpretation, but it's fair to say that Frieza and Cold would still be significantly more powerful "than most members of their race" if we can assume that Homeworld Arcosians in their "Original Forms" have power-levels of 100,000 (it's strongly implied that Frieza's 4th form is his original form.)

Also, would anyone mind if I made character sheets for Hailing and my idea for his right-hand man?