Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
Yes I enjoy it but....

the questions! they are endless.

Why was Burk falling from the sky? Why do need a license to be a hero? was that maid a robot, and was it created in modern times or is it a recovered artifact? since its just a scam, what does the amulet REALLY point to? just what IS Noah? Is he an elf? a half-elf? what were those robotic soldier things? what was with the part where he met an elf in some weird different world? time travel? space travel? why are the elves and the empire opposing one another? are dungeons really a part of the landscape, or have they just been around so long that no one questions their presence? how does this all relate to one another? IS this all supposed to relate to one another? why DOES Nail cover himself up like that? and probably a lot more I've forgotten.

but I'm just going to assume that this is all the same world, and that this is all taking place at the same time. what do I know?

-Magic is possible.
-steampunk tech is possible
-being able to kick ass and be awesome without any magic at all is possible.
-there are dungeons where you can put on classes to fight through things, but so far only shown in the desert with no indication of any place outside the desert having similar dungeons so far
-there is a big conquering empire
-you need a license to be a "hero". However the definition of "hero" in this world seems to be....kind of odd.
-there is at least one part of the world where aristocracy still rules and bandits roam freely terrorizing villages, whether this holds true for the empire and the desert remains to be seen, but signs point to "no" because of their higher tech level
-thus the most likely explanation is that this world, much like ours, has differing levels of technology for whatever part of the world you are in: Tobi's area probably has the most while Burk's area probably has the least, with Noah's area having near-Tobi levels of tech as well but only because of a strong centralized empire.
-much of the magic we have seen cast in the comic is combat/blaster magic, but transformation magic (the pigs) divination magic (the amulet), and whatever Noah is, are in it to. magic seems to be rare in general and generally recognized as something only wielded by the powerful, interestingly enough, the dungeons are not considered to be magic.
-but neither are the dungeons considered technological, dungeons in this comic are strange because there is no indication in any other part of the world that anything follows dungeon crawl rpg logic, so why is Tobi's part of the world be so used to it?
Quoting this is easier than writing all those questions myself.

I think that Tobis home seems the most advanced and that they are so used to dungeons is related to each other. My theory is that they got most of their tech out of dungeons and since they seem to appear on a regular base they started to base their economy on them. I have no idea why the dungeons seem to prefer an arid area of the world. Maybe water kills them.