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    Orc in the Playground
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    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Lords of Creation in the Playground (IC2)

    Althia, Cho'zak, Lum'ohs, Kryokoli, Fenrir, various undead, & large wolves - Frozen Stoixia

    A long pause endured. After a small eternity, the undead all nodded in unison. The terms were accepted.

    Clora - The Void

    Clora felt the ruptures of the battle, but paid them only marginal attention. She mostly rested - just as the Great Mother rested. However, not all of Clora was at rest. A bone began to peel off of her, manifesting itself with her energy. Clora's dream appearance showed the twisted mess that was truly within her - Althia was a shard of that mess, a piece of one of the many things that had made up Clora, before Clora separated it from herself. Althia was a fairly good natured shard. This new shard, however, manifested in a primal, darker way, and took on the form of a much smaller dragon - more completely formed, and covered in a hard and dark carapace. Clora felt it's escape, and sent it to land upon the world, and create a strength among the undead. The time of unified death was at an end, the living had never, in Clora's time, been unified, and so too now the undead would not stand fully united.

    The new shard would, in time, become most commonly known as The Grack - and The Grack would soon arrive in the lands of the Craast - though very quickly the nature of vampires would draw them to Gracks own tendencies, and this fragment's influence would spread.

    Spoiler: Clora AP
    Initial AP: [2]
    Ap Gain: [+5]
    AP Expenditure:
    Raise DR [-3]- Using the two create battle artifacts from here to qualify, Clora hits DR 9.
    Create Avatar [-3] - The Grack has been created - The Grack takes the form of an undead dragon, but covered entirely in an exoskeletal carapace.
    Remaining AP: [1]
    Utility Artifact usages:
    Nourishment (ToRL) - Those within the light of the tendrils do not see or hear visions they wish not to hear or see.
    Create Subrace (SotA) - Vampire Spawn. Vampires exist, this was inherently inevitable. As they are in the ogc.

    Kealoharen - The Void

    Kealoharen entered the void, and soon saw more violence. The battle of the Visionary and Eucle caused suffering upon the world. A tear fell from Kealoharen's eye, and landed upon the world. Sadness for those lost. The tear fell upon the land that Kealoharen had just left - the edge of the dark grove, and began to form a lake of pristine beauty - in contrast with the adjacent dark forest.

    Spoiler: Kealoharen AP
    Initial AP: [1]
    AP Gain: [+3]
    AP Expenditure:
    Raise DR [-3] - Using the 3 AP creation of the Peace token here Kealoharen hits DR 6, also thanks to the Hope (Peace) domain. New DCM is {A} Hope Inspires - Kealoharen's hope can be shared with allies to rally their spirits
    Mold Land [-1] - Lake Kealo - this lake forms east of the Dark Grove, at its edge. It is edged by marble, which outlines its heart-shape. The lake glistens at all times, even in darkness. It is highly resistant to pollutants - though extended pollution could eventually cause it issue.
    Remaining AP: [0]
    Utility Artifact Usages:
    Nourishment (Peace Token) - The Peace token glows in response to Kealoharen's tear, and causes the lake to be imbued with Kealoharen's love and hope. Lake Kealo heals the injuries of those who enter it, including the dispelling harmful/antagonistic of magical effects and well as mental illness. (However, mental illnesses return after leaving the water)(Unless caused by the magic or injury)
    Last edited by smashingBrawler; 2015-06-14 at 10:49 PM.