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Thread: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    No clue, but it's dark.

    Default Re: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

    [The Van]

    Valkanhayne lets out a 'pfffffffffff' noise as he suppresses the urge to laugh. "Get a load of this guy! 'Assassination contract.' No, no, Mr. Sszinyon, no, my boss and I are hoping for a...let's call it an 'indiscriminate mass-murder spree happy fun time fun-fun spree of mass-murder and fun.'"

    A pause as he grins again, speaking as if he were addressing a group of children. "Of course, top priority is retaking the power plant. Because if that goes 'kaboom' like they're threatening to make happen, everyone dies. And that isn't an indiscriminate mass-murder spree happy fun time fun-fun spree of mass-murder and fun, that is a smoldering crater." Valkanhayne's expression shifts to a false, faked, forced grin rather than the genuine one he's been wearing this whole time. And something sincerely terrifying seems to take the place of Director Valkanhayne with no outward change, a gleam in his eye as he leans back in his seat. "My boss and I don't like smoldering craters. I especially don't like smoldering craters. So here's what you happy little murderhobos are gonna do. Kay? Go in. Take the plant back. And kill everyone you see. Collateral damage is acceptable, but no smoldering craters where Riverside used to be. Kay? O-kay."

    Seriously, what is wrong with this guy?
    Last edited by blackouttwo; 2015-06-11 at 12:18 AM.
    Vespe Ratavo slowly destroys the GRIMDARKNESS of Warhammer 40K

    Originally Said by Vespe Ratavo

    Stealing romance novels from the tech-priests...we've seriously hit a new low...
    Destro says:
    Ok, it's allowed this once, but only because it gives Vespe the chance to crack awesome jokes

    Vespe says:
    That could really be used to justify anything...

    Destro says:
    You may NOT have a Titan

    Let's Play Space Empires V