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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation in the Playground (IC2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shmee View Post
    Bahamut takes the Cosmic Lantern. "It pleases me to see that my trust in you was not misplaced. Consider this my repayment for your actions in Purity. Now it is time for me to fulfill my obligations. For you see, while out Mother does slumber, I intend to reach the most chaotic and terrible place in creation, for I shall be taking our Mother's flame directly from the source of her Breath. Follow me to witness the fruits of your labor, but proceed cautiously."

    With that, the Platinum Dragon flies towards the Cosmic Mother and enters what one could consider her mouth and follows the stars until Bahamut and Ignus reach the source of the Cosmic Mother's Breath, the Super-massive Black Hole. Although dormant as the Cosmic Mother is sleeping, the Black Hole is still consuming mass and light at an astonishing rate. The black hole itself is surrounded by a brilliant accretion disc of very hot material and, further out, a dusty torus. There are also often high-speed jets of material ejected at the black hole’s poles that can extend huge distances into space.

    "Come no further, for if you come too close then the tidal forces shall pull you in as well. I shall go only as close as I have to in order to gather the flame."
    with that, Bahamut flies off towards the Black Hole. He evades the projectiles which are ejected by the Black Hole. Any mortal by this point would have been shredded to bits, and even those who survive that would get lost within the cloud before even reaching close enough. Worse, a foolish god or their servants would wander too close, and forever be consumed. Yet Bahamut was the First Born of the Cosmic Mother, and none knew her as well as the Platinum Dragon.

    Finally, reaching just near the event horizon, Bahamut takes the Cosmic Lantern and collects the fire which was caused by the elements overheating. Giving a sigh of relief, he returns to Ignus .

    "Behold, the Flame of Creation. It shall be an eternal gift to the mortals, to remind them of our Mother when she is no longer with us. And let this flame serve as testament to our friendship as well Ignus. Inform the mortals who seek the flames that we have upheld our part of the bargain. Tell them to seek the Cosmic Flame from the Kings of Mytea, for they shall act as its keeper."
    Ignus nods and goes silent for a moment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter View Post
    Temple, Mytea - Bobby, Ur, Bahamut?, Thirst?

    Bobby stepped through the portal and stated "Bahamut! I have the flames!"
    Thirst bows from his mid-air seated position, still slowly moving up and down as he hovers. "Ignus wishes me to inform you that Bahamut has said the Flames of the Cosmic Mother are being kept by the Kings of Mytea." He bows again. "I am afraid I've no knowledge of where they might be. The pact is complete." He bows again. "The final flame resides here on the Playground." He bows again. "Go forth, and free your master." He bows again. "Go with Ignus' Blessings child." A final bow, only this time the bow seems to cause him to fold in on himself, and disappear, aside from a tiny bead of light, which remains hovering where he was...
    Last edited by Ralasha; 2015-06-11 at 01:43 AM.
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