Realm of Dreams

It was better, now. The Dreams were quieter, brighter now, and now that they could walk together, the loneliness was much easier to deal with. From afar, they had glimpsed the new arrivals to the dream as well, and it filled them with a sense of peace. But it was more than that. Navigating the dream just seemed.. easier. Then one of their number, Vee-as, began to relate to the others of a place he had visited in his dreams; a place he could not find again walking them. He spoke of an enormous orb that sparkled like crystal. Vee said that through it, the shadows and hazes of their visions became clear. So came the myth and legends of the Farseeing Eye among the Emerald Ones. In the months and years to come, many would relate the same sort of tales. Certain details stuck in the mind; even as so many others faded away when they turned their gaze from the Eye. It was always, though, that at least one vision remained.
But as time spun by, they also related the vision of dozens -- hundreds -- of paths passing by; and increasingly, many paths that were straight and light became dark. Among their own, there was worry… and fear.

Mianmi, the Void

It was time. The second of the worlds to be. In a sense, it was nothing more than she had done before -- only infinite. From the nothingness she claimed a place, a plane. Given a spirit of the waves, that it might be a place of refuge in the days to come. She was a god, but even gods are not forever. Or perhaps they were, but forever had not yet come? The way was beneath the Salas, within them, guarded by ritual that would be known in the fullness of time.

She wept for the world, for even as it was torn, so it would become worse. Yet she still had some small power to spare for it, for to here, it was all worthy of life. Minds had been ravaged and torn, and her hand reached out in the soft caress of a mother, soothing away the pain. Dreams would come and go, and that which seemed indelible would fade, like a dream forgotten. The land shook in terror of the coming apocalypse -- or no, perhaps it was that seam, and a far worse fate yet awaited. If it was… there was still time to bring another to bear, add another Verse to be sung. Perhaps it would make the difference, and swing onto a different track. But that was for the future to hold, and so she soothed the lands as well, quieting the rage, letting rains drench and rocks divert, sparing lives that would otherwise be swept away in fire.


AP 17 - 0 (Eye charge: Nourishment: Wholeness of the Dream)) - 3 (Create Plane: The Sea Beyond) - 2 (Open Portal: The Sea Beyond) - 1 (Nourishment: Lullaby of Peace) - 1 (Nourishment: Peace of the Land) = 10

The Sea is linked to the saltwater outflow within the Salas; it is not a matter of just crossing a threshold though; the portal is essentially locked unless a certain procedure is followed to pass through.

The Lullaby counters the Pestilience of Kryokoli’s lullaby. Her lullaby will gradually fade, and the scars and fears it brought as well.

Peace of the Land is countering the raging volcanos; not stopping everything entirely, but rather slowing the pace, giving warning before the earthquakes, and giving relative miracles to the mortals. Freak rainstorms or flash floods stopping lava flows, rockslides diverting them, etc.