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Thread: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

    Quote Originally Posted by Flaming Eagle View Post
    [Malechenar Castle - The Gardens]

    Ezra Sharpe thinks for a moment. "Hmm, I think he would. He's a wind vampire, but a different type from you. I need to do some research, so right now he's the best person you could speak to." He pats Lihana's face fondly. "Don't worry, dear. He's a nice guy. I just hope you can't see invisible... but you're also a windpire, so that should be okay."

    "Say the word and I'll call 'im." He adjusts his hat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
    "Hah, you grievously overestimate me, sir," Sticks depreciates, glancing aside. Private life. Yes. No. Not really. "But I believe gracious thanks are in order for your counsel and your aid, m'lord. I will set to work learning any weakness the being may be hiding." Sticks extends both his hands to take one of Ryhe's, if the lord so permits it. He'll give it a single, gentle shake as he bows over the extended hand.
    [Hall of Resonance - Malechenar]

    Ryhe reached out to touch the little mechanical gremlin as it repeated the audio city wide broadcast for the sixth time. "Quite a situation wouldn't you say? Perhaps we should consider suing Tenebras and their allies for bringing in such a mindlessly destructive powerplant into our city once this is over. 'Cheap, clean energy', pah! More like a doomsday device."

    "They're humans, Ryhe. Just like these terrorist probably are. Their dull minds only understands violence and little of it's consequences." Harold, the other vampire lord replies as he takes a sip of wine from his glass. Unlike Ryhe Harold had no helmet, no mask. Revealing his eyeless visage. "They're useful for little else." The shadow vampire shakes his head. "Our first order of business should be to send Celestel to the 'Union' though. Find out more about these terrorist."

    "After we ordered to evacuate the city of course." Ryhe corrects. "But I have already made the necessary arrangements. The nobles will go back to Elshar while the rest will be taken outside the city. There is already a location in place to handle refugees after the last time this happened."

    Harold smiles, detecting none of the usual amusement in Ryhe's voice. "Is it starting to get dull already? At least it isn't mindless monsters attacking. Humans at the very least have some degree of reasoning behind their actions. They could have simply blown up the city right away instead of making implausible demands about it."

    "As if it makes much difference in the end. It's always difficult accepting the fact that you're about to be killed by a group of violent dimwits."

    "Such is the life among humans I'm afraid, everyone at mercy of the spontaneous violent impulses running through their minds whenever something bad happens. But I digress, we have to start acting instead of talking. Probably have to send some sort of statement to these terrorists.”

    “Not to mention make some sort of plan to deal with them. We’re poorly equipped to handle these sort of situations however. Might have to acquire outside help once we have more information. Like MERC if they believe they're equipped to deal with it.”

    "You're trusting such a important matter to MERC? You put far more faith in them than most do, judging by their reputation. The fact that we still work with them might enrage the Union."

    Ryhe waves away Harolds concerns. "I'm well aware. If Celestel encounters something like that, I will simply have her tell them that we're working on a deal with their replacement. Meanwhile I believe they're out best choice for this kind of operation."

    "If you say so. Otherwise I can think of a suitable replacement. But we can discuss that later. For now, let's make sure our nobles are out of the city before those fools set off the bomb..."

    [Malechenar Castle - The Gardens]

    "I'm not worried, but I still don't understand. What would we talk about?" Lihanna replies, sounding a bit hesitant about this plan.

    [Abandoned House]

    Ryhe accepts Sticks hand and shakes it. "We're in agreement then, would it be okay to send a few warlocks to your shop or would you rather met them elsewhere?" He asks.

    [North- and Westside]

    Malechenar appears to take the threat completely seriously. They have tv-broadcasts that encourage the citizen's to evacuate the city in a orderly fashion with the help of what is now Malechenar's combined police and military force. It will probably take a while to get even the majority of the population out of the city however. The citizens will arrive in a tent city Malechenar have set up for temporary shelter if they have no where else to go.

    [Around the Power Plant]

    Finally Malechenar's forces arrives at the site in the form of a small group of soldiers in blue uniforms and black armors made from some alien kind of leather. They aren't looking for the terrorists for the moment though, they're looking for the military fox brigade who have decided to enter the city.

    [Malechenar Castle - Fourth Tower Compound]

    "Don't say that Kanya, I can see past all that and I know many others who can. But if you really feel so insecure of what you look right now, perhaps we can arrange something so you may look like your old self again? I know that it's possible." Zhareen ensures her.
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2015-06-12 at 03:21 AM.