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Thread: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    blackouttwo's Avatar

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    May 2009
    No clue, but it's dark.

    Default Re: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

    [The Van]

    "If there are civilians, get rid of them."

    No mention of any impending strike teams, invasions, or other groups planning to hit Riverside at the same time.

    "Bottom line: Secure the power plant, and kill anyone involved in taking it."

    The van screeches to a halt.

    And then the van's side door opens, and the murderhobo squad finds themselves quickly shoved out the side door of the Zippy Van, along with all of their weapons, restraints are removed, and they find themselves in...

    [A Random Street in Westside]

    The van then speeds off, side door slamming shut.
    Last edited by blackouttwo; 2015-06-12 at 02:35 AM.
    Vespe Ratavo slowly destroys the GRIMDARKNESS of Warhammer 40K

    Originally Said by Vespe Ratavo

    Stealing romance novels from the tech-priests...we've seriously hit a new low...
    Destro says:
    Ok, it's allowed this once, but only because it gives Vespe the chance to crack awesome jokes

    Vespe says:
    That could really be used to justify anything...

    Destro says:
    You may NOT have a Titan

    Let's Play Space Empires V