So, I've been making a Pathfinder campaign setting- And I'm thinking about Psionics in the setting. Psionics in this setting is deeply tied to Nightmare, Dreams, and Eldritch Abominations.

To shorten it down- Eldritch Abominations from beyond the stars tried to destroy everything, the world itself worked with the people, the people taking in a bit of the nightmares to lock them abominations within the earth.

As kinda a method of preventing the Abominations from becoming overpowering, and exploding violently, there are "Dungeons" that are basically randomly generated dungeons, containing mostly psionic loot.

Now, the thing is, I'm not sure whether to limit how frequently this loot is found or not- The Duergars deal with the dungeons, as such, I'm split between them working like the SCP foundation, sending in poor folks to retrieve Psionic artifacts from them so the Durgars can store them and attempt to neutralize their capabilities, and/or keep the world safe, or just letting the Psionic stuff just be there.