It was enjoyable even as someone who wasn't really a fan of the first one. It has a lot of really dumb moments, but it moves fast enough that you can ignore them and just enjoy the ride.

Entering the I Rex's cage though? That's #140 on the Evil Overlord List for crying out loud! You do not go into the prisoner's cell just because he doesn't seem to be in there anymore! And going in there just to touch some claw marks? Really?

Not to mention the lack of any defense in depth against dinosaur escapes ('He's out of this one cage! He could be anywhere!'...why is this the only wall? Where are the security cameras watching the walls so you could check the footage? Why is the thermal signature not being constantly tracked with an alert set if it's lost? Why was the wall between the restricted northern area and the guest areas so terrible? That wall should have been stronger than any single wall on the northern side. You don't build a really powerful front line of defense and back it up with a sign saying 'keep out'...

So many dumb moments in that one scene. Feels like the writers wrote themselves into a corner with needing to show the Jurassic World crew were good at their jobs of keeping the animals safely away from people and needing to have the I. Rex escape. In any reasonable world the precautions would have been enough to keep it from escaping, but that's the plot for you.

Also...why did one random security guard have the password to open the cage and let the most dangerous creature on the island roam free? Seems like the sort of thing you'd want to keep at a higher level to me.