(First Turn)

One of the hairs seemed to hang above the blue orb for a moment instead of flying down like the others, slowly taking on a new form. The single hair split, grew, multiplied until it became a humanoid mass of gray fluff so thick you'd question if there was even a body inside. The only other detail, the one that makes you question what else is lurking in the hair, are the three, large, purple colored eyes that appear on what one would assume is the face of the being.

Now apparently fully formed, the being hovers above the planet, taking in the beautiful blue orb below it, watching the others splash into the waters. It's captivated immediately, and lets itself be pulled down into it. Picking up more and more speed, the being flies through the atmosphere and soon crashes into the once steady waves. Nilvig, as the being dubs itself, appeared to have landed in shallow waters, as it lies in a small crater with the surface just out of reach.

This view. . .it. . .he didn't care for it as much as the one before. Empty waters resting on pale sand in every direction but up in the blank space of a sky. There was nothing, and everything was still. That didn't feel right, but he knew he could fix that.

(-5 AP for Gain Ability "Herald of Life" - "Your god becomes life itself. This is not necessarily a good power. Instead it means your god is surrounded by life and mere presence nurtures it. Your god is a master at creating life. You thrive anywhere, and beings near you are filled with vigor. When you use the Create Life Action, you may subtract 1 AP from the cost. This means you can make basic Life for free.")

("Free" Create Life Basic/Bestial Life | Mundane Sea Creatures)

Like the being that created him, Nilvig pulled hairs from himself and tossed them up and out of the water. The hairs flew up into the air, multiplying into hundreds of thousands that flew off into every direction, each eventually diving back into the water and transforming. Creatures of all sorts of familiar shapes and sizes spread out into the oceans around him. More and more Nilvig made, his captivation with the creation of these creatures filling him with as much joy as when he first set eyes on this beautiful blue orb.

Nilvig was happy, though not yet content. He was already familiar with these creatures, knew what to expect from them. These fish swimming around him, their movement was pleasant, but he wanted more. That was when he felt it, surging waves coming from somewhere to the East. Swimming to the surface he watched as giant round stones surfaced in the distance before crashing into each other, slowly forming into a land mass adorned by mountains and valleys.

Inspiration slowly started filtering into his mind as he floated towards the new land. He could cover that with life too. Then something odd happened. The peaks of the mountains were rapidly covered with ice and snow. As he walked up onto the beach, he watched as the snow glided down the mountains and blanketed the seas to the North, forming even more new land. The new lands were certainly more interesting, host to a variety of environments . . . but all of them cold, and just as void of life.

The land he stood on and the newer lands to the North were all too motionless for his tastes. If the others were going to make lands of their own to suit their tastes, why not him?

(-2 AP for Create Land | Tropical Islands)
("Free" Create Life: Basic/Bestial Life | Mundane Tropical Animals)

Nilvig swam south of the other continents in search of warmth. When he had finally found temperate enough waters, he pulled on his divine power to bring a place of his own into existence. A chain of islands spreads far out to the east and west. Lush jungles sprout up in seconds as all manner of birds, insects and reptiles seem to pop out of the woodwork. These islands were warmer than the others, more hospitable for life, accepting of movement.

He liked this place, but still he felt discontent. Sitting on one of the beaches of his creation, crabs, birds and lizards gathered around him. He turned his gaze up to the empty sky, contemplating what to do next.