Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
A church bell is of little use to, say, bandits, but a 30kgp kettle is awesome. Overland travel is dangerous and slow. A few weeks? Try months.

Actually, by the rules, crafting a magic pot does not require that one first possess a non-magic pot. Curiously, there is no way to craft a material components bag (Craft: Alchemy, maybe?).
-1 Sure, the kettle might be awesome... For a bandit army, or someone who can hold it ransom in the middle of the town. However it's really damn big, do you as a bandit want to try carting off something that you'll need a wagon to move, and will have everone trying to hunt you down and kill you so they can get the kettle back so they don't starve?
Might want to rethink your bandit idea.

-2 No, they just need thousands in undefined materials... Oh look, the DM just defined them and there's a massive industry supporting them. Well how about that.

Tales of Mu [NSFW] has a great explanation at one point for why the tippyverse/rational can not happen to it despite being modern and with magic items everywhere. First it shows a thought experiment, the standard guess the rule using numbers, and it turns out without cheating or lying, random could be done because the rule was 'Any three numbers I agree meets the rule.'
Then, it's brought up that that's the way their world works.

For example, there's a dome that's infanantly large around the world that is their sky... But outsiders can fall from it to the ground safety, and in times of great need, the world has let someone climb on top of the dome. However if you start asking the world to do it regularly, the world pimp slaps you and suddenly there's a rather blighted area where some 'scientist wizard' used to be, and now all the remaining scientists either aren't very serious, or look at all the scorch marks and guess while trying not to join them.

This way, you can have a modern world in the DnD verse using magic that isn't the tippyverse.

Sure, the kettle idea could work and is indeed genius, but your GM/World could be one that likes medieval stasis, and as such your plane might just up and kill you if you try to industrialize it. Or it might change the rules slightly so the magic doesn't work the way you intended. Perhaps your ketle instead just turns into a item of everlasting rations + everful mug that feeds a number of people by taking your gold, deducting 350+[250*1.5], and then dividing the rest by [350*1.5+250*1.5].