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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Reading, UK

    Default Re: The 3.5 Red Hand Of Doom Handbook for DMs [Major spoilers!] - WIP, PEACH!

    Don't forget to drop us a link here Saint if you do a write up! Would love to read about it!


    Also I had a bit of a brain wave last night. Miha Serani has always perplexed me a bit as an encounter. I didn't really think she'd be all that useful for my party to fight against because they would drop her quite easily due to the action advantage and I probably wouldn't get a chance to surrender before her hit points were just overwhelmed.

    By this point in my campaign the Red Hand is aware of who the PCs are and i'll be running the Marked for Death scenario after they leave the Ghostlords lair so i'm going to throw Miha Serani in there. I'll have her as a 'victim' they are torturing with the dead bodies on the trees. This will give some impetus for the party to kill the ones potentially able to kill this poor 'girl' and also allow them a few sense motive checks to notice the betrayal.

    I won't have her attack the party until at least one of the Bhargests is down in order to give them a bit of a chance, unless they're just wiping the floor with the mooks. I'm going to upgrade her to a Rogue 3/Arcane Trickster 3 as per the first post and see how that goes down.
    Last edited by Talesin; 2015-06-19 at 09:06 AM.