I don't know if this was a long time after the last memory we saw of Sigdi. Durkon's beard-style is still the same, and there's no telling how many times he asked his mom about it between now and then.

Of course, I'm wondering why Sigdi didn't share this story. I'll agree that this isn't everything that really happened -- not that Thirden's lying, but that Sigdi didn't tell it all even to him. My speculation: the draco-troll escaped at some point and has been hunting the Thundershield clan for decades. I can understand blocking that information -- it'd be nice to say "your dad was a hero," but it'd be painful to say "our whole family is under a vendetta."
Quote Originally Posted by FallenFallcrest View Post
Huh. So do you think maybe that he wasn't Durkon's father? That might be a reason why the story was kept secret. I don't know.
But that's a good possibility, too. I'm guessing no, but only because I think Thirden's slip in panel 16 is genuine. If he's faking, then you're on to something.

The second puzzling bit: why would not-Durkon care about any of this? Does he suspect that anyone at the Godsmoot is going to ask, "Hey, Durkon -- what is your opinion of your dead father?"

And third: what's the pipeweed story? I'm kinda picturing Durkon slumped in a side cavern stoned off his keister and barely conscious until Hoskin found him and resuscitated him.

Bonus point: what kind of a name is Squeaky Thirden? (When I saw it in #958, I thought it was a silly nickname from tiny Durkon, but hearing an adult like Hoskin say it is a little odd.)