Quote Originally Posted by Jayngfet View Post
I can't help but feel these questions would be incredibly easy to answer. If only, you know, Steven actually bothered to remember that pillow they had this entire time now that he knows there's an actual dude stuck in there trapped. For a sensitive guy he sure does like to leave people suffering for like twenty episodes before doing anything.
I hadn't even really thought of the desert glass as a thing that could be freed, so it's not much of a surprise that Steven doesn't either. And, given what happened with Lapis before they stopped her, and the fact that the desert glass was going erratic before they claimed it, I wouldn't call the issue of freeing the gem a cut and dry issue. Gems are frigging dangerous, and while Steven could plausibly bring this one to their side, it's similarly plausible that it could bring about some catastrophe. Lapis was only really stopped because she happened to have the power to fly into space. What if this gem lacks that sort of ability, and is even less willing to negotiate? For someone who's brought up the issue of potential town/planetary damage, and who once condemned Steven for thinking Peridot could be reasoned with, you're awfully cavalier about the idea of unleashing a potentially insane gem onto the Earth.

Which is probably the shows biggest flaw. Every single question you as an audience have could be answered in five minutes by most of the main characters. There's no real dramatic tension because it's not really played as a major failing of the cast. They just kind of set up plot points then leave them hanging for months at a time for no reason.
I dunno that I'd call the decision to not just have the gems toss out crazy exposition dumps and divulge all of the world's mysteries a flaw of the show. Steven Universe just kinda has a slow and subtle pacing, unfolding information as it goes. That the episode has spent probably a good five minutes talking fusion just this week, especially in Keeping it Together, and that there's still a long way to go in terms of explaining it completely, shows to me that you're drastically underselling how long it would take to answer the questions of this show, and how many questions there are in general. Cause, y'know, not every question is something like, "What's up with yellow diamond?" Some of my biggest questions are things like, "What is the relationship between Jenny and Kiki Pizza like if we spend some really good time on it?" and, "Is Mayor Dewey ever going to seriously explore his Pearl crush?" and even something higher level like, "What is the Pearl/Garnet fusion?" There's not no reason for them leaving your plot points hanging. The reason is that there is a ridiculous density of plot points, and they can only spend so much time on your high end mythos stuff.