inb4 Doflamingo gets up

Seriously, when has a victory for the Strawhats been so straightforward recently? Heck, not even recently, they haven't really had a straight forward victory since Enies Lobby/Water 7. Thriller Bark ended with Kuma showing up and wrecking everybody. War of the Best ended with Ace dead and Luffy BSODing. Fishman Island ended with Big Mom showing up. Punk Hazard was the lead in to where we are now. I can't imagine this going so easily, especially since it'd mean Doflamingo got taken out in less than ten hits.

I'm still not sure what/who Oda could have lined up for villains after this. All that is really left is Mihawk in the Shichibukai, Akainu and the Marines, and the Yonkou. Big Mom and Kaido are the most obvious, but I highly doubt the Strawhats, even with Law, are capable of taking on any of the Yonkou yet. The closest in power to them would be Mihawk, but what reason would he have to fight them? I imagine the Marines are a bit busy with whatever Dragon is doing, if Sabo is moving around like he is. I don't think Shanks will have a serious fight with the Strawhats and it is to early for Luffy and Blackbeard to go at it, in my opinion.

Maybe a Buggy/Lucci pair up?

Also, is the fight between Sabo and Burgess going to end off screen?