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Thread: [Legend] Is Legend... Dead?

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    Ogre in the Playground
    gkathellar's Avatar

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    Default Re: [Legend] Is Legend... Dead?

    The quote from afroakuma has the right of it. Those of us on the Dev Team are still around to provide clarifications and guidance, but the reality is that the game, at least as it was, is unlikely to (read: not going to) see future additions. We're still happy to support the game, we still hang around on the IRC channel, and we're pleased to see that some people still play it. But working on Legend-that-was comprised a particular phase of our lives, and that phase of our lives is honestly past.

    Perhaps Legend will see a future reincarnation (not a resurrection), or perhaps we'll move on to other projects. For the moment, we just want to get the existing thing into ship shape before casting it off to sea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    My understanding is that most of its intended audience found what they were looking for (or something close to it) in 5e, so it quietly faded away.
    I'm ... I'm legitimately baffled by this statement. I think you're actually insulting 5E and Legend, by way of conflating two totally different beasts that really don't have any desire to resemble each other.
    Last edited by gkathellar; 2015-06-25 at 06:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by KKL
    D&D is its own momentum and does its own fantasy. It emulates itself in an incestuous mess.