Captain Thalin was the rare sort of dwarf that made you wonder if half-dwarves were possible. Just shy of five and a half feet tall, he seemed more like a burly and hirsute human teen than a dwarf past his fortieth year. He was handsome, generous, and eager to listen to other peoples' points of view. And most damning of all, he'd not only taken to sea, but had used the spoils of a short career as and adventurer to purchase his own ship.

"Ha! There she is!" cried Thalin from the bow. He'd never been this far north and was even more excited than his crew or passengers to set eyes on the City of Monuments.

The fog that had rolled north from the Mushfens all morning began to fade as the sun rose to its zenith. The first sight of the broken bridge, visible just over the haze, made it seem the docks were a stone's throw away. The Irespan was deceptive in its enormity. Only when the cliff side and the first towers of the city loomed into view could you appreciate just how massive and distant was the broken relic of ancient Thassilon.

Thalin drummed his fists excitedly on the railing. "That's the Irespan! Three hundred feet tall! Can you believe it? Oh, I'm gonna climb it. I'm gonna climb it and piss off the edge!"

Spoiler: OOC
It would still be another hour before the Minx docked, so you have enough time to collect your things and ask the crew or captain questions about the city. Thalin at least has read a lot about Magnimar.

The date is Fireday, the 1st of Erastus in the year 4711.