Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
It's about perspective, really.

If Beerus doen'st destroy planets, the the cycle of creation and destruction will be unbalanced, and universal cycles becoming unbalanced tends to make things suck for everybody.

So, destruction has to happen.

In that context, that it has to happen, Beerus deciding which planets get destroyed for petty personal reasons is, from certain moral perspectives, much better than setting himself as the arbiter of some morality and then destroy planets that don't line up with his unilateral view of good, and from most morale perspectives is much, much better than going around and destroying things Randomly because causing death and destruction is the only thing that you can get your kicks from. I mean, if his drob description requires him to arbitraily choose which planets to destroy, there are plenty of worse judgements he could use than "Is the food good, and how hospitable are the natives"

There's also his behavior from the movies to consider-Beerus doen'st have to destroy a whole planet, and actually seemed more interested in having fun, finding a rival, and teaching Goku a bit of humility than he was in actully destroying the earth in BoG, and in RF, while he refuses to stop the Earth's destruction because that's the opposite of his job, he does agree to protect the people around him in exchange for food.

Really, Beerus, to me, looks like a good example of a True Neutral.
He also destroys planets over things like someone else eating the last pudding cup. He's about as evil as it's possible to be.