Bor sighs."I know that it seems impossible but the wonderous thing is that it has already been done! We know that it is possible to do what I seek because of the Lady's presence!

"And even if it is not possible to replicate such a feat, we might learn something else that can aid the people! I refuse to accept that any plane, even the dark heart of Innistrad, is so far blackened that there is nothing that can be done to save it!"

Bor pauses, his breath slightly rushed after his speech. He breathes deep and continues on.

"Please understand, this is no mere act of charity. This is no flight of fantasy that I happened upon one summer's eve and wish to pursue for excitement or 'adventure.'

"These are my people. What deed would either of you not seek to accomplish if your homes were under constant threat?"
His eyes are pleading, weary from wandering and seeking bare rumours to aid his damaged world.

"I would ask that you hold a small hope in your hearts that this task will succeed in any measure. Please, say no more "it might not be" or "it could be too much." We must not, even in small measure, give into doubt. I do thank you for your offer of aid, my lady. I only ask that you enter into the Midnight Plane with eyes and heart clothed in hope not despair." He smiles, clearly grateful to the lady for her help.