Dawn Syndicate
Loyalty: 10

To Arcane and Mabn
Well, they have Speed 4, which gives them a striking distance of up to 2 hexes away and still being able to return the same action. So they've been actively escorting ships/patrolling around wherever I put their base (at least the 2 hexes they can). I think that was 3 hexes directly east of the Spire, considering the Plains of Ghiv are patrolled by the Iron Knights. Since it's just a Special stat with Equipment, it's movable by the rules, so that can change.

Dustmire Dirtlings (10)
Do you wish for my assistance in this impasse? The Syndicate has cordial relations with... Well, almost every party involved.

And it's quite simple. They stole something from me. I returned the favor, and then some.

Natural Order (10)
I've heard some rumblings of a monster let loose in the Quarter. Know anything more?