Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
Well, I personally see it just a shortened version of my aforementioned "I am not attracted enough to have the will to pursue this relationship and work my schedule around it" scenario. Unless the relationship has been super serious from the get go, I just see no point in making a huge effort in breaking it off. Tomaytoe tomatah.
As Coidzor mentions, the problem with this is the uncertainty behind it. It can lead to unintentionally leading someone on. The thought that "oh well once they DO have more time, I'm back in!" can occur. No one is going to come out and say "I'm not interested enough in you to bother spending time on a relationship" since that's rude as hell. However, you probably shouldn't fall back to the far too vague "I don't have time right now".

Going further and mentioning that "maybe in the future it's something I'd consider" can be either legitimate or a means to try and maintain a friendship/good relationship without actively coming out and saying something as blunt as "I don't really find you attractive" or "you're too pessimistic for me to be in a relationship with" or any other actual reason the person doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. Now as said, it can be legitimate as well. I don't think in my experience or in any of my friends/acquaintances' experience it ever has been, but I can't conclude simply from those anecdotes that it is ALWAYS just a platitude. As such, despite the fact it might be true, I rarely view it as such. Cynical perhaps, but I found myself far happier when I started taking those types of statements as a hard "no" instead of being strung along and have nothing really come out of it.