Quote Originally Posted by goto124 View Post

So Ezra could load up a pepper grinder with silver, and use it to spice up his soup. Neat.

No, not the spaghetti. KC wishes she could cast Time Stop, walk into the kitchen, Disintegrate every last bit of spaghetti in the cafe, and return to the table in time for Ezra to be told 'we're all out of spaghetti'.

KC reminds herself to take DnD Wizard levels.

'Don't worry. If he ends up eating the 'silver'ware anyway, I'll compensate.' KC breaks into a small grin.

'Orange juice for me, please.'

"Compensation would be very nice if he does, and I appreciate it, but also keep in mind that it's actually kind of hard to get them. So please do try to avoid it.

Orange juice and Eggs Benedict, all righty!"

Quote Originally Posted by Flaming Eagle View Post

"Water for me." Ezra says. He could always get oil at his own establishment.

Then he raises an eyebrow at KC, then grins as well, apparently thinking she'll pay for it, or add her own silverware. "How nice of you, love."

"Water, bacon, scrambled eggs. All right! I'll be back with it for you two in a little bit." Naku informs the duo, finishing off her scribbling, and clicking the pencil closed. She then bows to the two, backs away, and then heads off to go get them their foodstuffs.

Quote Originally Posted by Flaming Eagle View Post

Reggie scratches his hair. "Purple... my favorite... color. Love it. Is... attractive."

"I see. Well, that's quite the happenstance that you happen to have the same shade as do I."