Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Dipsnig's Office]

"There's a job that needs doing," Dipsnig says, getting straight to business. "You two declared yourselves available, and I believe you're suited." He presses a crystal on his bracer and brings up a holographic list. "Dena and a new member went exploring in what turned out to be the lair of a cult. It seems they're trying to find and free various demons that a divine being imprisoned. This might be valuable information for quite a few people, and we'll use it much better than some brain-addled cultists. So I'd like you to go and investigate at least some of those places."
[Dipsnig's Office]

"Sounds like a thing. When you say "brain-addled" though, does that mean "won't wear mixed fabrics" crazy or "virgin sacrifices" kind of crazy?" Jazirian happens to be one of those, and would very much like to not be sacrificed if he can help it, though given that they're trying to summon demons it's probably the latter.