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Thread: The Roost

  1. - Top - End - #510
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    Default Re: The Roost


    Ezra rubs his temples. In his mind, it's over already. "Really? I'll tell you, then. How ****ed up..." He swore. He never swears. "How messed up do you have to be to have such a disgusting view of children? To see marriage as some sort of undesirable disgusting thing? And you expect me to understand? Seriously?" He shakes his head quickly. "No, you can't be that daft."

    He leans back, cross. "What is this relationship to you? Seriously, do you expect that I'll stay with you, forever and ever, without any thought of bringing new life into this world? I would have understood if you had given any other reason... absolutely any other reason but that. Seriously, that answer has shown that we shouldn't be together. Total dealbreaker, oh my, yes."

    The triple? More like the single, if this keeps up!
    Last edited by Cyber Punk; 2015-07-12 at 08:12 AM.