Viggo Hirtzel

Viggo trailed along behind the others as they set off in search of Gunther, feeling oddly homesick in all the commotion. "At least we can get as far as Caerfort without ending up in an Orc's cook pot eh?" He commented to nobody in particular.

The hustle and bustle of the armed men reminded Viggo of those times when The Show used to pack up and move on. Intense activity tempered by a nervous tenseness. I'd be bloody tense too If I thought I was off to hunt down a pack of sodding Greenskins!

"Do you expect to encounter anything more than bands of raiders without traveling further south? Has the Caerfort road really gotten so bad?"
"And what about the Caerfort to Mirino stretch?" Viggo asked, tagging his question onto the end of Sieghards' "You lads likely to be sending any patrols out that way?"