Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
I disagree.
Your disagreement is meaningless. That's very much how Toriyama works and he explains his methodology in these situations at length multiple times in interview. Hell, even it being in english means nothing. Toriyama has a long history of just using random english words for no reason or signifigance, except maybe to signify minor differences that barely matter.

Toriyama's explicit statements on his work and what it means or doesn't mean trump your feelings.

"Flawed and capable of losing fights" does not at all equate to "mortal." Thor lost plenty of fights and even died in Ragnarok, and I'm pretty sure I brought this up explicitly ten posts ago. So please don't tell me what I mean when I've already told you what I mean. I am purposely avoiding real-world religion and sticking to fantasy myths for a reason.
Nobody called them "mortal".

...and don't weasel out of this with "fantasy myths". A myth is a myth is a myth. They come from real world history and deserve to be treated as such.