Elsabeth Holt

Elsa drew herself up. “The trip was a mixed success, Captain,” she reported in Tilean, deciding Sforza would appreciate a straight answer. “We do not have the book. We did, however, manage to trace its whereabouts. I’m reasonably confident that my friends and I are the only ones who know where to find it. I can explain now, or provide a written report for your eyes only. Please understand, Captain, that the book right now is probably safe for a century, but if what I’m about to tell you reaches the wrong ears, it may not be safe for a month.”

She paused to let Sforza decide how he wanted his report.

(Assuming Sforza tells her to continue)

Ready to stop talking anytime the Captain thought she was edging too close to sensitive territory, Elsa provided a detailed account of the book’s presumed whereabouts; Nath, Gilbertus, the Illuminated Order, and the Lost Library. She also described how and where they had come across each and every piece of the puzzle – The Black City of the Dead Hills, the hedge wizard’s journal (which she provided), Tales of the Illuminated Order, Griswold, and so on. She gave credit where credit was due, such as the book-delving done by Ludo and Adelbert, as well as Viggo’s neat hypnotic trick on Griswold. The only thing she left out of her verbal report was where and when the elusive Lost Library appeared; she contented herself with saying that they were in possession of that particular information. She also failed to mention their three meetings with Beatrix Fassbender and their side trip to Gilbertus’s manse.

I’m consolidating all of Elsa’s report in a single post, but Sforza (or anyone else) is free to interrupt at any time.

“Among the books and scrolls we came across,” Elsa went on, “was a tome of pyromancy. I have it in my bag. It’s of little use to anyone but me, but I’ve learned enough from it to make the entire trip worth my while, believe me.”

“One last thing… You’re surely aware by now that the Norscans are marching on Savonne. We met them when they took Ravenskird. At least one of them, the warrior woman known as Kelda Wave-Born, can turn into a wolf at will. Possibly a hedge witch with an affinity with the wind of Beasts.”