They go to the inn, Cleo pays for a not-even-seedy room and practically dives onto one of the two beds and curls up.

There's a climb back through the dreamworld, but it's the sort of dreams you don't even remember at the time.

When Mist wakes up wakes up, back in the DFI, he should feel, and be, more powerful. He'll be more fae, having that coat, so his fur color might have changed? His eyes should be fine, not creepy solid-color like Leah's got. And he might well start to notice things. Like how Cleo just knows things about him. Like seeing how the world doesn't just happen, but there's shadowy forces moving just under the surface of the world, arranging everything. And the Coat should have some powers of its own. Infinite knives in its hidden pockets is common.